We will have the TeachLivE newsletter back on distribution this month in time for the holidays! Looking forward to reconnecting with our friends.
TeachLivE Logo

Monday, November 24, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
TeachLive Co-Teacher Scenario A Success!
Our fabulous partners at CSUN put together a fantastic new application of our adult avatar, Stacey Adkins. Stacey portrayed a SPED teacher who was disgruntled with her current co-teaching situation. Student participants in the role of the co-teacher had to understand Stacey's position and then work to create common goals to ensure the success of the students. A fantastic learning opportunity!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Earn a Micro-credential in TeachLivE!
Check out our micro-credential on higher-order questions: http://www.digitalpromise.org/initiatives/educator-micro-credentials
We have a couple of new ones in the works, so check back to see what's new!
We have a couple of new ones in the works, so check back to see what's new!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Great post from teachers' perspective about TeachLivE.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Cool to see our folks at William and Mary playing in the TeachLivE lab.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
Lisa Dieker in China for TeachLivE
We miss Lisa Dieker, our fearless leader, who is currently visiting China with our TeachLivE avatars. Lisa, we hope to have you and the kids back home soon!
TeachLive in China!
Sean and the gang had an exciting experience this last week visiting the University of Macau in China. Our student avatars had a chance to learn some Chinese from area professors and meet visiting faculty from around the world. These avatars are becoming real globe trotters!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Pilots Use Simulation as a "Mental Gymnasium"
Orlando is a hotspot for simulation - not just for TeachLivE for teachers - but pilots use it to brush up their skills too. They call it "mental gymnasium for pilots".
Check out this article in the Orlando Sentinel.
Check out this article in the Orlando Sentinel.
Year 1 Findings from TeachLivE National Research Study Released
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
University of Central Florida
TeachLivE Classroom Simulator National Research Study
Orlando, FL
The entire technical report of research findings for the TeachLivE National Research Study is available at http://teachlive.org/publications/.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
University of Central Florida
TeachLivE Classroom Simulator National Research Study
Orlando, FL
The entire technical report of research findings for the TeachLivE National Research Study is available at http://teachlive.org/publications/.
Using Virtual Rehearsal in TLE TeachLivE™ Mixed Reality Classroom Simulator to Determine the Effects on the Performance of Mathematics Teachers
A quasi-experimental, pre-post group design was used to examine the effects of repeated virtual rehearsal sessions in a mixed-reality computer simulated environment, the TLE TeachLivE™ classroom simulator. At 10 sites across the nation, 157 middle school mathematics teachers received four levels of innovative professional development, including computer simulation, synchronous online instruction, and lesson resources based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Teachers were observed in the TLE TeachLivE™ (TeachLivE) classroom simulator and in their regular classrooms to determine the effects of treatment. Trained observers (a) collected pre-post frequency counts of teacher behavior on questioning, wait time, and feedback; (b) scored teacher classroom practice on modified sub- constructs of the Danielson Framework for Teaching; and (c) took qualitative field notes. Teachers responded to questionnaires covering demographic information and experiences in the classroom simulator. Student level data were collected pre-post on a 10-item academic assessment using items from the eighth grade 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress. From an analysis of the data, the researchers found that four 10-minute professional learning sessions in the TeachLivE classroom simulator improved targeted teaching behaviors in the simulator scenarios, and those improvements transferred into the teachers’ original classroom settings. Results from this study validate emerging research in the field of teacher education and simulation that suggests that professional learning in mixed-reality simulated classrooms can be effective in impacting teacher practice.
This research project was supported by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Teaching With Games: Incubator School | Institute of Play
Teaching With Games: Incubator School | Institute of Play
Great to be mentioned on the Institute of Play site. Nice video of our work.
Great to be mentioned on the Institute of Play site. Nice video of our work.
Ed for President!
The TeachLivE middle school students met many interesting University architects and civil engineers here at UCF for SCUP conference. One "substitute teacher" had a mock election for class president and Ed won. Although Sean was disappointed, he will be a faithful secretary of state.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Matt wins the social media contest!
Congrats, Matt! You are the social media master and winner of the TeachLivE social media contest.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
TeachLivE at UCF Launches First Micro-Credential
Check out our very first micro-credential on Eliciting Thinking with Open-ended Questions, created in partnership with Digital Promise!
Monday, September 29, 2014
UCF TeachLivE's Sean and musician, Bosho make plans to go on Shark Tank!
At the Denver Share Fair, the TeachLivE Middle School and High School kids got to interact with many interesting people and meet lots of new teachers. They also met Bosho, the musician from Bosho and Friends who has a wonderful program of songs to promote language learning. Sean suggested that he go on the TV show, Shark Tank and they are hoping they will both be guests on the same episode. Tres Bien!!! Always good to make new friends!!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Cherie Behrens and Osceola Public Schools Win Award for TeachLivE
Carl Watson, PD Resource Specialist for Osceola Public Schools, Cherie Behrens of University of Central Florida, and Janice Franceschi, Director for Professional Development for Osceola Public Schools accept an award from the Florida Association for Staff Development for their innovative work with instructional coaching using TeachLivE.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Open lab
UCF has a TeachLivE open lab this Friday 9/26 from 1-5. Students can sign up and practice higher order questioning with the avatars with feedback from a coach. Contact TeachLivE to find out how to sign up.
Celebrating Dean Jarley's win from the College of Business at the Teacher Palooza on Saturday. Great blog about his success!
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Always great to have kids visiting the lab.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Save the date: June 4 & 5, 2015 - TeachLivE Conference
Save the date for our third annual TeachLivE conference! It's a fly-in/fly-out conference with one overnight, so you can fit it in your busy schedule.
Conference dates:
Thursday, June 4, 2015 - afternoon registration
Friday, June 5, 2015 - afternoon wrap-up
We love catching up with our partners. Here's a shot from our 2104 conference...
Conference dates:
Thursday, June 4, 2015 - afternoon registration
Friday, June 5, 2015 - afternoon wrap-up
We love catching up with our partners. Here's a shot from our 2104 conference...
Dr. Katie Ingraham learns from partners about innovative work being done with TeachLivE. |
Monday, September 8, 2014
Teachlive Kids visit Black Spectrum Theatre Company in Queens!
Jermain Smith, director of technology at Pace University, did a wonderful job of facilitating a session using TeachLivE for the marvelous teachung arts twists, site coordinators and staff of the Black Spectrum Theatre's after school programs. Thanks Jermain!!
EL Leveled Questions
Teacher candidates come to our TeachLivE classroom with questions at each English proficiency level. They ask the EL avatars their leveled questions and soon learn a few things. EL students need simple questions . They need slower pacing of words in questions and they need visuals to help understanding. These beginning teacher candidates learned valuable lessons for their own classrooms.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
TeachLivE will be at the Orlando Maker Faire September 13th
Come say hi to the TeachLivE class!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
TeachLivE Conference 2015 - Save the Date!
Save the date for our third annual TeachLivE conference! It's a fly-in/fly-out conference with one overnight, so you can fit it in your busy schedule.
Conference dates:
Thursday, June 4, 2015 - afternoon registration
Friday, June 5, 2015 - afternoon wrap-up
Did we tell you how much fun we have? Here's a shot from our 2104 conference...
Conference dates:
Thursday, June 4, 2015 - afternoon registration
Friday, June 5, 2015 - afternoon wrap-up
Did we tell you how much fun we have? Here's a shot from our 2104 conference...
Lisa Dieker has a laugh while Charlie Hughes and Cheryl Hines share a moment. |
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Behrens wins Award with TeachLivE for Instructional Coaching PD
The School District of
Osceola County, FL
Melba Luciano,
Contact: Dana Schafer, Public
Information Officer - Osceola School District -- 407-870-4007 or 407-908-8811
School District's Professional Development Department Recognized As Leader In
The State
The Osceola School
District has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 Outstanding
Professional Learning Practices Award given by the Florida Association for
Staff Development (FASD). The selection committee was very impressed with the
district's Instructional Coaching Series with TeachLivE, and commended the
Osceola School District's Professional Development Department for its diligent
work in providing exemplary professional development to teachers and staff.
The Osceola School District will be recognized at the 2014 FASD Fall
Leadership Conference Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, September 23, in St.
Petersburg. During the luncheon, a FASD award plaque will be presented to
the district by the FASD Awards Committee.
The Instructional Coaching
Series is a professional development experience provided in the Spring of 2014
to instructional coaches in the Osceola School District. This unique
learning opportunity focused on the four instructional coaching tenets
developed by Dr. Cherie Behrens, University of Central Florida Visiting
Lecturer and Consultant. The four tenets are: Operating as a Coach;
Facilitating a Culture of Learners; Supporting a Data Focus; and Promoting
Student Success. In this three-day series presented by Dr. Behrens, instructional
coaches learned how to use coaching language with teachers, build relationships
with teachers, create peer coaching cadres, and utilize data to problem solve
in professional learning communities (PLCs). The instructional coaches were
guided through a series of centers designed to ignite and build background
knowledge and provide opportunities to practice.
The most impactful
technology utilized during the sessions was called TLE TeachLivE™, funded by
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. TeachLivE is a classroom simulator
populated with specifically-designed avatars that interact with educators.
TeachLivE uses differentiated learning techniques and a formative assessment
feedback model to provide each user or user groups with a different experience
that changes based on the actions of the educator(s) in the simulation. During
each session, TeachLivE was a center on its own where coaches could further
hone their abilities coaching teachers, practicing what was learned in the
sessions, utilizing "look for" documents for further coaching
conversations, and more. This was done in an unpredictable but realistic
way using a mixed-reality environment. Emerging research suggest that teachers
receiving professional development that utilizes TeachLivE increased in targeted
teaching skills as compared to teachers who do not receive TeachLivE (Dr.
Carrie Straub, 2014).
The Instructional Coaching
Series will be continued during the Fall 2014 for a new cohort of instructional
coaches. The series will be provided as a train-the-trainer model where
district coaches will be able to provide the training to school-level coaches.
Monday, August 25, 2014
TeachLivE at UCF Lab Demo
TeachLivE at UCF Room TA 320 will have open lab hours in TeachLivE for College of Education students at the following times:
9/26/14 1pm to 5pm
10/24/14 1pm to 5pm
11/21/14 1pm to 5pm
Look for an email from UCF College of Education with more information to come!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Lisa Dieker Does a Virtual Presentation with Avatars
Check out our quick pic of Lisa talking about avatar misconceptions and using avatars to teach challenging STEM subjects.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Higher order thinking questions, wait time, affirmations. These are all possible microcredential topics being explored at TeachLivE at UCF. Give us four 3 minute time segments and we can improve an educator's skill.
Welcome to Our New Team Members!
We are having our first team meeting with the new doctoral candidates who will be working with us in TeachLivE at UCF. Welcome to this dynamic crew! We look forward to a great year with them.
Day One of Teachlive Installation of New Version
Today is the first day to kick off the Fall semester and what better way to begin with installation and tech checks of our new version of Teachlive. Our partners are already impressed with the quick download (one download took 5 minutes) and how user friendly it is. We are so excited for the new semester and please make sure you sign up for your version installation and tech check before your scheduled sessions. We only have a few more spots open up for our tech checks.Please schedule at Teachlive@ucf.edu.
Friday, August 8, 2014
TeachLive students are thrilled to meet PBS celebrity Miss Rosa!
Sean jumped to his feet in excitement when he discovered the guest in the classroom was Miss Rosa from the popular PBS series. Ed quietly asked for an autograph he could take home to his little sister Lily, a fan of the show. Miss Rosa chatted with the TeachLive avatar students and shared her experience. Thank you, Miss Rosa for the thrill of an avatar lifetime!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
UCF Foundation using TeachLivE
The UCF Foundation is using simulation to help their team refine their communication skills and strategies to raise funds for the University. With expert coaching, they have the opportunity to repeat visits or repeat a moment with empowered or refocused language, or body language! They are developing a terrific application that will help potential philanthropists find their dream gift match.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
TeachLivE a featured partner in New Schools Yeabook
Great to be a part of New Schools Yearbook
Monday, July 28, 2014
TeachLive@UCF Meets with Western Michigan University Upward Bound Students
TeachLive middle school students had an opportunity to question visiting high school students at WMU about their experience in high school. The high school students jumped at the chance to get to know Sean, CJ, Kevin, Ed and Maria and quell their fears about moving on to high school. Maria was thrilled to find a kindred spirit amongst the participants speaking at length about shared interests and authors. WMU helped the participants appreciate the application of TeachLive in the college classroom.
Summer is coming to an end
Our kids have been quite busy this summer! As the summer dwindles down, they are excited for some Florida summer fun! They cannot wait to start the new school year and meet more teachers!
TeachLivE is busy this fall
TeachLivE has a busy schedule already for demos this fall. We are excited to be working with our partner sites and showing off to new possible partners.
TeachLivE summer sessions with Austin
For the past few months we have been developing our avatar with autism, Austin. All summer we have been working with Buffalo State, Kennedy Kreiger and tomorrow we have a fantastic session with USU tomorrow with Austin!
TeachLivE at UCF consider micro-credentialing.
TeachLivE at UCF team is excited to consider about how we might use the micro-credentialing process.
Lots of TeachLivE Action at UCF this Fall 2014!
We're so excited about all the demos scheduled this coming Fall 2014 semester! Our avatars really appreciate the opportunity to share their stories and meet new friends from all over the country, and the world!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Great TeachLivE demo with new friends from Daytona State College
Thanks for visiting us from Daytona State College! Our kids loved talking to you about their super-top-secret science projects - just remember to not tell anyone their plans!
Friday, July 11, 2014
TeachLivE UCF demos with our buddies!
We had a great Skype demo today with our buddies at Howard University and Alexandria Public Schhols... once we got the avatars settled down for class!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
TeachLivE marches on
There are currently 42 campuses across the country using TeachLivE. We are excited to see our simulator pick up steam as it's also used in numerous school districts and other government agencies in fields such as medicine and military.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Welcome TeachLivE Interns from RTP3 Program at UCF!
This week, TeachLivE welcomes four interns from the UCF Resident Teacher Professional Preparation Program (RTP3) program. During their week-long internship our interns are getting experience with research on multiple levels. Overall, they are learning about group design methods for research. They are learning how to conduct classroom observations using the Teacher Practice Observation Tool as well as score student concept maps using the Student Idea-Generation Evaluation method. Some interns are participating in a single-case research project with the purpose of using a simulated setting to learn how to conduct a functional behavior analysis. At the end of the week all of our interns will be able to say that they have experience working on a large scale research project. We are so glad to have them on board!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Photos from 2nd Annual TeachLivE Conference
Please check out some of our amazing photos from our 2nd Annual TeachLivE conference! We can't wait until next year.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Stay current with TeachLivE
Have you seen all that TeachLive has to offer?
Stay current with your avatar friends and join us in the conversation today.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Henry Okraski's ITEA Shout-out to TeachLivE
Our friend and local colleague Hank Okraski has published "Developing the Future Modeling and Simulation Workforce with the Skill Sets to be Competitive in a Global Environment" in the International Test and Evaluation Association June 2014 journal. Mr. Okraski is a renowned consultant in the simulation industry and gives a shout-out to TeachLivE.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Ed Surge latest report on technology includes TeachLivE
See the report at this link
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Have you twittered your latest TeachLivE activities or checked out our website lately?
Don't forget to follow us on teacher @ teachlive or like us on Facebook or visit our website
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Amazing story
If you didn't see this incredible video about TeachLivE positively impacting a student's life (and ours from his life), you should check it out now: https://plus.google.com/113026366920245361455/posts/Z2Y3DqNfLm3
TeachLivE at UCF Gets a Shout Out for Innovation

From their website:
The Innovations Inventory is an online database highlighting members’ innovative practices that provide educator candidates a competitive edge in the field. Members are invited to submit examples of unique or new approaches to educator preparation that address issues of student learning, preparation program advancement, or educator workforce needs and that show evidence of positive impact on those areas. Reviewed submissions are included in a directory, and exemplary programs are highlighted periodically on the web page, in publications, and through several other outlets.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
TLE Conference another smashing success
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2nd TLE TeachLivE Conference at UCF in Orlando. A big thank you to our PIs Drs. Dieker, Hughes, and Hynes for hosting this event. And congratulations to Ben and Taylor for a job well done in planning and executing such a successful conference. If you missed the conference please feel free to review our twitter feed @TeachLivE.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Conference Day 2
The conference has been a smashing success thus far. We've been spoiled with celebrity Cheryl Hines' entertaining keynote, Gates Foundation's Scott Benson's informative keynote, and now concurrent sessions on just about every collaborative TLE research partnership at the conference. Keep informed and see pix with our Twitter feed @TeachLivE.
Morgridge International Reading Center
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
TLE Conference Directions to IST
If you're savvy enough to be attending the TeachLivE conference this year, you're going to be amazed at the array of innovative technologies our friends at the Institute for Simulation & Training (IST) have in store for you.
On Friday, May 23rd we'll be heading to IST, a short drive from campus.
3100 Technology Pkwy
Orlando, FL 32826
On Friday, May 23rd we'll be heading to IST, a short drive from campus.
3100 Technology Pkwy
Orlando, FL 32826
TLE Conference Dinners: Sign-ups and Directions
Headed to dinner? All dinners are Thursday, May 22nd at 6:30 p.m. Sign up here.
Directions to the five restaurant options for the TLE Conference Dinners:
Azteca D’Oro Mexican Restaurant
11633 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817
(407) 737-8388
TOPIC: Integrating TeachLivE into Courses
Azteca D’Oro Mexican Restaurant
11633 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817
(407) 737-8388
TOPIC: Integrating TeachLivE into Courses
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
YouTube playlist of TeachLivE partner sites
This playlist features exemplary TeachLive classroom simulation in action.
Check out our friends in Houston rock @Teachlive's
classroom simulator #UCF #TeachLivE +TLE TeachLivE
TeachLive in HISD from Houston ISD on Vimeo.
classroom simulator #UCF #TeachLivE +TLE TeachLivE
TeachLive in HISD from Houston ISD on Vimeo.
2nd Annual TeachLivE Conference this week
We're all gearing up for the 2nd annual TeachLivE Conference at UCF this week. Whether you're in Orlando or not, you can follow us on Twitter @teachlive and Facebook https://m.facebook.com/TeachLivE.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Conference to Focus on UCF's Award-Winning Classroom Simulator TeachLivE

Read more at :
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
A Bevy of Interactors!
Acclaimed artists pose for a photo shoot. Pictured from left to right: Katie, Morgan, Felicia, and Michelle and UCF photographer Courtney Gilmartin.
New Schools Venture Funds Award
Great to be a part of such a prestigious group of folks to receive awards at New Schools Venture Fund Award Banquet.
Congrats to the UCF team and to the Avatars - Sean, CJ, Maria, Kevin and Ed.
Congrats to the UCF team and to the Avatars - Sean, CJ, Maria, Kevin and Ed.
TeachLivE at Winter Park High School

Great work being done by passionate teachers at Winter Park High School, thanks to Principal Tim Smith and Literacy/Instructional Coach Elizabeth McClure!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Excited to attend my first TLE National Conference
As a new member of the TeachLivE team, I am looking forward to attending my first TeachLivE National Conference on May 22 and 23 at UCF. Please join me and learn more about TeachLivE!
Still Time to Register For 2nd National TLE Conference
Don't forget to Register for the TeachLivE Conference! Keynote Speakers: actress Cheryl Hines & Scott Benson, Gates Foundation. Register Here
TeachLivE UCF partners with Houston Independent Schools
Houston Independent School District is thinking differently how about how to work with teachers. They are partnering with the University of Central Florida's TeachLivE project and here they shoot a video letting educational stakeholders know about their work. See Karla Auzenne as she interacts with the avatars!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
UCF TeachLIvE hanging out with BeyondZ
Having so much fun with our friends from BeyondZ during a Skype demo with the UCF TeachLivE avatars.
Monday, April 14, 2014
UCF TeachLivE Avatars Visit Tallahassee FL DOE
Friday, April 11, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
What does the class want to be when they grow up?
Today the class got to speak to a group at UCF to tell them what they want to be when they grow up! Here are the results after the conversation today:
Sean: He wants to be an Eco Engineer (saving the planet is important to him!)
Ed: He wants to be a Pilot maybe in the Air Force
Kevin: He can't decide between being a Music Producer or Director. He found out today that maybe he can do both!
CJ: Wants to be a celebrity, but someone gave her a great idea about doing her own clothing line!
Maria: An Engineer, maybe Mechanical or Chemical.
The class wants to thank all the people today that helped with making their career decisions today.
Sean: He wants to be an Eco Engineer (saving the planet is important to him!)
Ed: He wants to be a Pilot maybe in the Air Force
Kevin: He can't decide between being a Music Producer or Director. He found out today that maybe he can do both!
CJ: Wants to be a celebrity, but someone gave her a great idea about doing her own clothing line!
Maria: An Engineer, maybe Mechanical or Chemical.
The class wants to thank all the people today that helped with making their career decisions today.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Simulation Conference: Using Avatars for Teacher Preparation - TeachLivE UCF
Simulation Conference: UCF Second Annual TeachLivE Conference. Come see how we use simulation for teacher preparation.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Sesame Street Research Features UCF's TeachLivE Program
This is a great article from last summer and it shows how amazing the TeachLivE program is! Please see the link below.
TeachLivE Sesame Street Research
TeachLivE Sesame Street Research
TeachLivE is Heating Up!

Sign up for the second annual TeachLivE conference to join us in the warm weather in May.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
IRB Success! Congrats to SIUE TeachLivE Leader Dr. Susanne James

Looking forward to working with you, Susanne!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Even Physics students at UCF practice their instructional practices. In the TeachLive simulator undergrad pre-service Physics students took turns teaching a high school Physics lesson. They then reflected on their delivery, received feedback from their professor, and TRIED IT AGAIN...only better! All of this was done without hurting student learning and only helping teachers get better.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Congrats to Nazan Bautista for Award-Winning Work with TeachLivE

Bautista’s study investigated the impact of a mixed-reality teaching environment (TeachLivE Lab) on preservice early childhood teachers’ understanding of inquiry-based science and self-efficacy beliefs. The TLE TeachLivE ™ simulated teaching environment uses computer-generated avatars to be as similar to real students as possible.
The NTLI Fellowship award has been given since 2000 and is sponsored by the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). The award is given to researchers for their exemplary use of technology in teacher preparation with the purpose of furthering dialogue within professional associations regarding appropriate technology use in teacher education.
Bautista will receive a plaque and $1,000 from Vernier Software & Technology. She will present her work at the 25th annual SITE conference on March 19 in Jacksonville, Florida.
Monday, March 24, 2014
UCF Students Up the Ante

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Welcome to the New TeachLivE UCF Blog
Please bookmark this blog to find out the latest news from TeachLivE!
Find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/TeachLivE?ref=hl
Find us on Twitter at: @TeachLivE
Find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/TeachLivE?ref=hl
Find us on Twitter at: @TeachLivE
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